I thought we were friends. We've been through so much together. I've carried you with me most of my life. I gave you homes in vending machines, laundry machines and numerous other places. But now you turn your back on me in my time of need. I trusted you and what do I get in return. NOTHING. I flipped you over and you told me that Memphis and Pittsburgh would duel for the National Championship and they are bothOUT! They didn't even make the final 4. You also told me that Kansas would make the Final 4, guess what...THEY DIDN'T!!!! North Carolina hasn't played yet for their spot in the Final 4, but since you told me they would be there I can only speculate that THEY WON'T. You are a mean spirited demon and I can no longer call you Friend. I was certain you would tell me the truth, because I thought that George Washington could never tell a lie, but clearly that theory is shot to hell, because he lied to me several times!!!! It says on you "IN GOD WE TRUST" thankfully it doesn't say "IN QUARTER WE TRUST" because that would be laughable! I can never trust you again! I hate you quarter, I HATE YOU!!!! You cost me $5.00 and in these financially tight times I cannot afford this! Goodbye forever.