I spoke with LeBron after the game and asked him if winning this game was easy, and his response was, "It was like taking candy from a baby after I punched it's face in." Mr. James then immediately punched a babies face in and took candy from it just to prove his point, afterwards Gene Snitsky punted the baby into the crowd.
I then asked LeBron if this proves that the Eastern Conferance is actually superior to the Western Conferance, and the critics have been wrong and he replied, "Da East, we got sum playaz wit mad game, but itz da fact dat we gotz 2 many white kidz in da East, and nun of dem make da all starz team, just da str8 ballaz, when we get back to playin' reglar ball, we gotta play wit da white kidz again. Da west got white kidz 2, but they 4n kidz, like Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki, dey not real white kidz, like we gotz, but yeah, we better."
After I regrouped asked LeBron one last question. What did you think about Dwight Howards dunk contest performance. "HE SUPERMANNED THAT BALL, YEWWWWWWWWWWWW"
Commissioner Jonathan Meowington fined LeBron James for slanderous remarks towards Superman, then unfined him for accurate remarks towards white kids.
Bobby Sura > LeBron James
Mittens For Davekwon > Monday
You magnificent bastard. I'm glad that Gene Snitsky is making himself useful somewhere.
ROFL at the redesign. I think Stacie is developing a bald spot.
Andrew, why are you and I the only two people I know that manage to produce consistently blur-free pictures for their blogs? How hard is it, really?
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