Despite popular belief Easter was invented in 1893 by Phillip Easter, not by Jesus. Phillip was a farmer specializing in raising chickens. His chickens laid the finest eggs in all of the Midwest. People came from miles around to get the eggs laid by his prize chickens. One day Phillip decided that it was to easy to just sell his eggs to customers so he thought it would be more exciting to hide eggs around his farm and let customers wander around and find them while getting to experience the rest of his farm. The person who found the most eggs recieved a 25 percent discount on that days purchase. The first person to recieve the discount was an 8 year old boy by the name of Jesus (Hay-soos). He found 120 eggs that day. So excited that he won the discount Jesus returned home decided to color one of the eggs and give it to Phillip as a gift. On the way back to Phillip's farm Jesus was trampled to death, then eaten by a pack of wild blood thirsty rabbits. Three days later Phillip found upon his doorstep a colored egg and in the distance saw a ghostly figure of a little boy. Then a bunny rabbit bounced across his lawn. Phillip decided that once a year he would color eggs for his hunt in rememberance of Jesus, and call it "Jesus' Easter Egg Hunt". He claimed that a rabbit would bring in these special colored eggs and hide them for all the boys and girls to find. Phillip Easter died in 1907, but his day of hiding eggs remains to this day. Somehow the story got twisted into a story about the late J.C. (R.I.P), but in truth it was Phillip Easter chicken farmer.
For years uncounted I've wondered how an egg-laying bunny got matched up with a crucified man. That has cleared up 34 years of mystery.
Thanks Davekwon!
That's the case for most people! I'm glad I could clear things up!
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