Halloween Movie Marathon 12 is a mere 19 days away. In an attempt to make this years the best ever I got in touch with the star of Halloweens 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, Michael Myers. I met with Mr.Myers at his home in Haddonfield, Illinois. I was a bit nervous as I approached the doorstep of the Myers house, Mr.Myers is a touch unpredictable and I know his past encounters with people haven't always ended favorably, but risking it for the betterment of HMM was a worthwhile cause. I knocked slowly and in classic Myers fashion he smashed through the door with his fist (I was later sent a bill for the broken door). Myers motioned with his hand for me to come in and I did as he wished, slowly squeezing through the hole in the door. He pointed at a chair in his living room and I understood this to mean that I was supposed to sit in it. I was wrong. He immediately stabbed me in the leg (I was later sent a cleaning bill for the blood soaked chair). He was really pointing at a picture of Andrew "Funky D" Patton. I asked why he had a picture of Funky D. He then stabbed the picture. He then wrote in blood with the end of his knife on the wall "He put on my mask and his head stretched it out beyond repair." I apologized and gave him the Funky ones address so that he could be billed for the mask. I then got to the point of my visit and asked the horror legend "Will you be attending HMM 12?" He looked at me and slowly cocked his head to the left. I repeated my question and he cocked his head to the right. Nervously I asked him one more time. Myers then shook his head yes. I breathed a sigh of relief, and then Myers stabbed me in the other leg and shook his head no. Nicely enough Myers supplied me with a wheel chair, but charged me with a rental fee of $91.00 an hour. So my trip ended up costing me $6,041.13 and Myers will not be at HMM12. On the positive side he autographed the knife he used to stab me, and supplied Kat Dennings as my nurse for my hurt legs. Despite being stabbed it was a worthwhile trip. I met Michael Myers, survived his stabbings and was fixed by the sexual healing of one Kat Dennings. All in all life is good and HMM is only 19 days away even if Myers will not be there in person. Funky D should be worried though, Myers is PISSED NOW!
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