Funky D and Nappy have been fined by President Jonathan Meowington for slanderous remarks towards both Hall and Oates, and U-God. Funky D has been fined $450,000,000.00 for the following comments ..."Hall and Oates had better not only be singing Christmas songs, or there will be knuckles to the chin". Funky D should be excited that Hall and Oates are even gracing this sad town with their musical genius. I spoke with Hall and Oates briefly and their only response was "Private Eyes will be watching Funky D". Nappy was fined $8.00 for these comments toward U-God..."I think about how useless U-God is and how he should be kicked out of the Wu-Tang Clan". Wu-Tang Clan forms like Voltron and U-God happens to be the tail. How else would the flies to be kept away from Ghostface, Raekwon, Method Man, GZA, RZA, Inspectah Deck, Masta Killa and ODB's corpse? The Wu-Tang Clan/Hall and Oates Christmas album entitled "Instpectah Deck the Hall and Oates" has been pushed back from it's original release date of 12-4-07 to 12-11-07 so that a Funky D and Nappy dis track could be added. Sources close to me have revealed that this dis track will also be performed live at Bro Ho Ho. President Jonathan is meeting with both groups on Friday afternoon to discus further punishment.
I love you.
It took almost a week, but damn was it worth it.
Why do I even have a blog?
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