Some sad news on the ABC 6/ FOX 28 news front (especially for our dear friend Renkes). Today was Simone Wilkinsons' last night with the crew. The Aussie reporter (who in Jason speak is a 2) leaves because our tyrant of a news director doesn't like her. She is not by the way the first person to leave for this reason. Simone will be missed dearly by all. She did however enjoy the picture that I colored for her during my weekend downtime at work. It was a snowy yard with a house in the background and a kangaroo building a snowman, BOO YA! It's shitty that good people, and good workers are leaving the station because of the lady in charge. Fortunately she has no idea who I am, which doesn't say much for her getting to know her employees, but I'm fine with that. So good luck with whatever you go on to do Simone, Cheers!!!!
Wow. Speaking of reality in blogging, good work, sir. I'm sorry that the tworiffic Simone is out of our lives though.
Yeah, word. Keep your eye out for the man though dogg.
I really hate it when Fox 28 loses their most entertaining personalities.
I'm still stinging from the loss of "Pistol" Pete "I'm Pete Scoville" Scoville.
Simone's voice cracked my shit up, but that only makes it more interesting to watch news, not less. Best of luck to her, and I am positively dripping with curiousity to find out more stories about your ABC6/FOX28 escapades. As bad as the news director may be, and I'm taking your word for it, the station owner is absolutely the pits. Every time I'm "lucky" enough to catch one of his shit-head inductive reasoning uneducated diatribes I get sad for Columbus.
I thought I was all alone in my mirth about Simone's two appearance and her bizzare "sounds like I'm faking and austrailian accent" accent.
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