Thinking all was well Hall and Oates made their schelduled stop in Columbus on Monday night, not knowing that a sinister grinch awaited them. Not more than three seconds after the sweet tones of the first noel came from the vocal chords of Darryl Hall, did the one and only Funky D begin a second onslaught of verbal mayhem. Funky D managed to obtain tickets to the concert by way of a Mexican Elf/Leprechaun named Elfprechaun Sanchez. He directed a tapestry of hate filled obceneties towards Hall and Oates that would make a deaf man poke his own eyes out. A Japanese tourist that was in attendance claimed that "Rarge head man speak dirty Engarish at Harr and Oates." Funky D was swiftly escorted out of the building by muliple event staffers. He then escaped on foot and was last spotted in Heath, Ohio at a Luchagors concert.
President Jonathan Meowington has now called upon the Transformers and Prime Time Elix Skipper to find and return Funky D, where upon he will be sentenced to watching Jack Frost 2, while listening to the Hall and Oates Christmas album on repeat for 940 grips. Nappy paid U-God the $4.00 fine, but was fined another $640,000,000.00 for giving Jonathan the business.
I hope Hall and Oates bassist turned guitarist TBone, will find it in his heart to donate a portion of his shitload of dimes to help cover the cost of Andy's "buisness."
It's good that somebody has the courage to report on what's really happening in central Ohio.
Kudos, Davekwon!
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