Chuck Norris's Calender skips directly from March 31st to Arpil 2nd. NO ONE FOOLS CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!
He also roundhouse kicked Jenna Fischer so hard that he killed David Spade. Jenna still lives so that Chuck Norris can wax her juggs.
Where SRIDS are cool and GRIDS are tolerable!
I'm glad that we had another April Fool's Day so that discussion of waxing Jenna's juggs could return. Huzzah!
Office hating Dave doesn't deserve to discuss waxing Jenna's jugs
mangroge: What I produce after thinking about waxing Jenna's jugs.
I filled her office space.
Andy: "Dave didn't fill shit."
Me: "I kno, ryt?"
Wait just a second here. Kat Dennings is now ahead of Stacie in the hierarchy? When did this happen?
not ahead that's just where the picture went.
Chuck Norris wouldn't wax any jugs because Chuck Norris is a NON-TOUGH, BROKEN DOWN FROM COCAINE old crazy Christian right-winger.
He's less entertaining than "Warrior," to boot. (TO BOOT WITH KICK TO THE HEAD)
"disar" -- what I'm being. I'm dissang Chuck Norris.
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